Cub Scout Pack 30 WebpageReturn to Activities
2015 Cubs Selling = 21 Containers Sold = 580 Total Sales = $10,350.00 Pack Profit = $3105.00
Sellers Braden W - $2085. Matthew B - $1090. Phillip B - $900. Corbin L - $815. Travis D - $775. Grayson M - $675. Tyler H - $425. Byron L - $415. Chase H - $410. Daniel P - $410. Lincoln T - $360. Caleb A - $325. Ephraim L - $315. Joziah R - $205. Draygon P - $200. Hayden C - $185. Seth P - $175. Jack F - $140. Brandon A - $135. Grayson O - $125. Logan C - $40. Cubmaster Keith - $145.
Fill-up page patch + Braden W + Matthew B + Phillip B + Corbin L + Travis D.
$675 Sales Club = Braden W + Matthew B + Phillip B + Corbin L + Travis D + Grayson M.
GREAT JOB CUBS and THANK YOU to the customers for supporting Cub Scouting! |