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The pack held their graduation on Saturday June 6 at Camp Barbe.
A cookout for Cub Scouts + Families + Friends of Pack 30 began at 6:00pm.
The flag ceremony was performed by Webelos 2 Cyclone and Patriot Patrols.
A powerpoint with the music of the "Sound and Sights" of pack activities for 2014-2015 produced by Den Leader Arlene Jett was shown.
Cub Scout receiving advancements were: Braden W - 15 Tiger Tracks Travis D - 2 silver arrows Corbin L - 2 silver arrows Seth P - 2 silver arrows Caleb A - 1 silver arrow Logan C - 1 gold arrow Hayden C - 1 gold arrow + 2 silver arrows Ephraim L - 2 silver arrows Andrew P - 1 silver arrow Phillip B - Handyman Donnie D - Webelos Badge + Craftsman + Fitness + Handyman Daniel P - Handyman Paul J - Family Member + Naturalist + Scientist + 1 compass point Raiden P - Scientist
The following Cub Scouts were presented with the Cyber Chip Award: Matthew B - Braxton D - Byron L - Braden W - Logan C - Hayden C - Andrew P - Phillip B - Donnie D - Daniel P.
The following Cubs Scouts and Adult Leaders were presented with the Emergency Preparedness Award: Matthew B - Braxton D - Byron L - Braden W - Travis D - Corbin L - Seth P - Caleb A - Logan C - Hayden C - Ephraim L - Andrew P - Kalena P - Summer L - Melanie A - Crystal C - Amanda B - Derek E.
Three Wolf Scouts were presented with the World Conservation Award: Travis D - Corbin L - Seth P.
The following were presented with the Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award: Matthew B - Braxton D - Byron L - Braden W - Logan C - Hayden C - Andrew P.
Bear Scout Caleb A earned and was presented with the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.
All four Tiger Cubs: Matthew B - Braxton D - Byron L - Braden W completed the requirements for their God and Me religious award. Each was presented with the award by their counselor, Rev. Lee Williams.
Webelos 1 Redneck Eagle Patrol advancement accomplishments were reviewed by Cubmaster Keith and each received a Fire Starter.
Webelos 1 Redneck Eagle Patrol leader Amanda Balis was recognized for earning the Den Leader Training award.
Graduation ceremonies were held for Tiger Cubs to Wolf - Wolf to Bear - Bear to Webelos.
Each ceremony was unique and included the Cub Scout receiving his new handbook, neckerchief, and slide.
The following leaders were recognized for their dedication to the pack: Kathy Starcher - Committee Chairperson Derek Egbert - Assistant Cubmaster Michael Balis - Tiger Den Leader Amanda Balis - Webelos 1 Den Leader/Tiger Cubs Den Leader Kalena Pack - Wolf Den Leader Summer Lucky - Wolf Den Leader Dewayne Lucky - Wolf Den Leader Crystal Carmony - Bear Den Leader Melanie Axley - Bear Den Leader Arlene Jett - Webelos 2 Cyclone Patrol Den Leader Ken Jett - Webelos 2 Cyclone Patrol Den Leader Jerry Bain - Webelos 2 Patriot Patrol Den Leader Aaron Rice - Webelos 2 Patriot Patrol Den Leader Rob Pitts - Committee Member Sabrina Dennis - Committee Member
Webelos 1 Redneck Eagle Patrol led a "Flag Retirement Ceremony."
Paul J - Nicholas B - Remington C - Raiden P - Mason R each was presented with the highest award a Cub Scout can earn the Arrow of Light.
The evening concluded with an impressive Crossing the Bridge ceremony.
Before crossing the bridge with their family Cubmaster Keith reviewed each of the Webelos 2 accomplishments. The parents divested each of their Webelos neckerchief.
After crossing the bridge to Boy Scouting they were welcomed by Boy Scout Troop 30 Scoutmaster Rick Windland.
Paul J - Cub Scout 4 years - Bobcat Badge - Wolf Badge - Bear Badge - Webelos Badge - 9 Arrow Points - 16 Webelos Activity Badges - Webelos Compass - 2 Compass Points - Cyber Chip Award - Emergency Preparedness Award - Leave No Trace Awareness Award - Outdoor Activity Award - Whittling Chip - World Conservation Award - Arrow of Light.
Nicholas B - Cub Scout 2 years - Bobcat Badge - Webelos Badge - 11 Webelos Activity Badges - Webelos Compass - 1 Compass Point - God and Family Award - Leave No Trace Awareness Award - Whittling Chip - Arrow of Light.
Remington C - Cub Scout 2 years - Bobcat Badge - Webelos Badge - 11 Webelos Activity Badges - Webelos Compass - 1 Compass Point - God and Family Award - Leave No Trace Awareness Award - Whittling Chip - Arrow of Light.
Raiden P - Cub Scout 1 year - Bobcat Badge - Webelos Badge - 8 Webelos Activity Badges - Webelos Compass - God and Family Award - Arrow of Light.
Mason R - Cub Scout 1 year - Bobcat Badge - Webelos Badge - 8 Webelos Activity Badges - Webelos Compass - God and Family Award - Arrow of Light.
The pack THANKS everyone who helped make this a memorable evening.