Cub Scout Pack 30 WebpageReturn to Activities
The pack held their monthly pack meeting on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the Elizabeth Baptist Church with the "Discover our Heritage" theme.
Lion Scouts served as the greeters.
Wolf Scouts performed the flag ceremony.
Everyone participated in audience participation story "A Frontier Thanksgiving."
The evening concluded with a Space Derby.
Cubs receiving advancements:
Bobcat Badge Braidin F - Nolan M - James P - Jonah C - Bentley H
Lion Archer S - Lion's Honor + Fun on the Run Josiah FM - Lion's Honor + Fun on the Run + Mountain Lion Luke H - Lion's Honor + Fun on the Run + Mountain Lion
Tiger Braiden F - Games Tigers Play + Tigers in the Wild James P - Games Tigers Play + Tigers in the Wild
Wolf Colt M - Call of the Wild + Running with the Pack Eli F - Call of the Wild + Council Fire + Running with the Pack Grayson K - Call of the Wild + Council Fire Jonah Colon - Council Fire
Bear Bentley H - Bear Claws + Bear Necessities + Roaring Laughter + Recruiter Strip Holden V - Bear Claws + Roaring Laughter + Robotics + Bear Necessities + Paws for Action Hunter S - Bear Claws + Roaring Laughter Louis M - Bear Claws + Roaring Laughter + Paws for Action Mason S - Bear Claws + Roaring Laughter Quincy F - Bear Claws + Roaring Laughter + Paws for Action Tucker C - Bear Claws + Bear Necessities + Fur, Feathers, and Ferns + Paws for Action + Roaring Laughter + Robotics
Webelos 1 Blue Flame Phoenix Patrol Chase H - Stronger, Faster, Higher Hunter F - Stronger, Faster, Higher
Webelos 2 Headless Chicken Patrol Byron L - Camper + Into the Woods + Maestro! Draygon P - Art Explosion + Camper + Duty to God in Action + Into the Woods + Maestro! Matthew B - Camper + Castaway + Duty to God in Action + Into the Wild + Project Family + Maestro! Wyatt G - Camper + Castaway + Duty to God in Action + Into the Woods + Maestro!
Bear Scouts receiving their Whittling Chip = Tucker C - Quincy F - Bentley H - Mason S - Hunter S - Holden V.
Cubs Scouts receiving the Shooting Sports awards = Braidin F - Nolan M - Eli F - Tucker C - Holden V - Bentley H - Chase H - Hunter G.
Cub Scouts receiving the NOVA/STEM award for completing "Out of this World" = Matthew B - Byron L - Chase H - Draygon P - Tucker C - Hunter G - Wyatt G - Holden V.
Cub Scouts receiving a patch for atending Family Adventure Day in Ravenswood in September = Braidn F - Eli F - Josiah FM - Luke H - Bentley H - Archer S.
Cubs receiving a patch for attending Cub Adventure Weeknd in October at Camp Kootaga = Matthew B - Tucker C - Braidin F - Eli F - Josiah FM - Hunter G - Wyatt G - Luke H - Chase H - Byron L - Nolan M - Draygon P - Archer S - Holden V.
Cubs and Leaders with October and November birthdays were recognized.
The monthly "Good Scout" award was presented to Draygon P of Webelos 2 Headless Chicken Patrol.
Donations were received from the pack for the Animal Shelter in Wirt County.