Cub Scout Pack 30 WebpageReturn to Activities
The pack held their monthly pack meeting on April 23 at the Elizabeth Baptist Church.
This month's theme was "Digging in the Dirt."
Bear Den 3 and Webelos 2 Cyclone Patrol performed the flag ceremony.
Audience Participation " Planting a Garden."
All dens performed skits.
Cub Scouts/Webelos Scouts receiving advancements: Matthew B - 12 Tiger Tracks Byron L - 7 Tiger Tracks Travis D - 1 silver arrow Corbin L - 1 silver arrow Seth P - 1 silver arrow Caleb A - 1 gold arrow Paul J - Communicator Remington C - Scholar + Compass Point Raiden P - Handyman + Compass Emblem + God and Family Award Mason R - Handyman
Scouts receiving Cyber Chip Award were: Bear Scouts Caleb A + Ephraim L and Webelos 2 Scout Paul J.
Caleb A also received the Outdoor Ethics Award.
Cubs/Siblings game "Wheelbarrow Race."
Adult game "Bean Drop."
The closing was "Pause and Think."
The evening concluded with refreshments. |