Cub Scout Pack 30 Webpage

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Digging in the Dirt.jpg - 175 x 116


The pack held their monthly pack meeting on April 23 at the Elizabeth Baptist Church.


This month's theme was "Digging in the Dirt."


Bear Den 3 and Webelos 2 Cyclone Patrol performed the flag ceremony.


Audience Participation " Planting a Garden."


All dens performed skits.


Cub Scouts/Webelos Scouts receiving advancements:

Matthew B - 12 Tiger Tracks

Byron L - 7 Tiger Tracks

Travis D - 1 silver arrow

Corbin L - 1 silver arrow

Seth P - 1 silver arrow

Caleb A - 1 gold arrow

Paul J - Communicator

Remington C - Scholar + Compass Point

Raiden P - Handyman + Compass Emblem + God and Family Award

Mason R - Handyman


Scouts receiving Cyber Chip Award were: Bear Scouts Caleb A + Ephraim L and Webelos 2 Scout Paul J.


Caleb A also received the Outdoor Ethics Award.


Cubs/Siblings game "Wheelbarrow Race."


Adult game "Bean Drop."


The closing was "Pause and Think."


The evening concluded with refreshments.